Friday, February 19, 2010

Sacrificing boys...

or rather sacrificing initiating stuff with them.

It's the most incredible thing (I have to keep stopping myself from inviting my guy friends to do stuff) guys are stepping up! "What!?" you say; yes, that is what I said- guys are stepping up and initiating stuff with me. It feels so much more, hmmmm, how do give words to this? Right. Yes, that's it, I feel more fulfilled, like things are in their natural order (instead of me throwing a wrench in it all). I'd totally forgotten that David had invited me (or did I invite myself before Lent?) to go swimming with a gang of guys. I really wanted to but totally forgot. But picture this: I'm sitting at a table outside the DC, David walks past in that certain way he has of walking, and asks me if I'm going to come swimming at 8 tonight. I know that it was probably such a small thing to him, but it was thought-provoking and cheering to me. David, a flesh and blood guy, initiated something.

I wish this would happen more often. Y'know, I have a feeling this just might have something to do with giving it up to God... moral of the story" let God make the first move!

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