But the modern age is in a hurry, and livelihood is more important. Man races through his work and rushes through his pleasure in a crowd of accelerating machines.
Feasts are out of fashion; only meals remain.
Instead of music, we hear hoarse shouts of ``Push, boys, push!''
He has to spend most of his time with the crowed, not in the company of his friends; his mentality is the mentality of the hustler. In the midst of all this bustle he has no will power to bypass unadorned ugliness. ~ Rabindranath Tagore (http://cscs.umich.edu/~crshalizi/Poetry/Tagore/modern-poetry.html)
I procrastinate, but I do useful things; I read this, didn't I? I'm supposed to be writing a paper about what is distinctly modern in Wendell Berry's poetry... But I want to write about the above quote...
Did you feel rushed today? I sure did, trying to attend three meetings at once is always impossible... None of us really like that rush here- run there feeling, do we? I have a personal detestation of rushing everywhere. Then why don't we just
s l o w d o w n ?
I bet you didn't like slowing down to read that.
We want everything compact - smaller cell phones and laptops and ipods and headphones, we want to fit more in a smaller space, but giant purses are still in fashion... I guess it's faster to shove a day's worth of stuff into a giant handbag, and faster is always better, right?
*But the modern age is in a hurry, and livelihood is more important.*
Livelihood is more important than pleasure. We speed through our work, trying to get as much done, as fast as possible, just to move on to something else to do. I hate that. It breaks my heart to have to print off a schedule for the week - now I need to schedule people into my life. I don't like building people around my schedule.
I don't have time to just paint or ice-skate, or even time to read. This probably stifles me the most- I used to read all sorts of books before college. But then I come here and am forced to abandon my passions, it makes me wonder, is this always how it will end up? It's not what I want. Certainly it is NOT!
*Feasts are out of fashion; only meals remain.*
Except on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have personally experienced this line during the last month or so. I don't eat fast food, but we have an on-campus cafe that serves soup and sandwiches to their customers in less than a minute. That's where I've been going for lunch and dinner almost every day. I just don't have time to even alight for a meal.
I would write more... but I don't have enough time...